Thursday, July 24, 2008

summer fun

Trying out a spoon. More actually got in her mouth then I thought would.

Abandon the spoon!

That's way more fun!

My beautiful Ally

We went to Lagoon with Travis and Hil and Mom. What a fun day. The kids didn't want to stop. They had a ton of rides for the kids, I was very impressed. This was Max's favorite ride. He had to go backwards so he could shoot Ally and Audrey in the car behind him. Nice.

Malia got brain freeze from eating a pushup too fast.

Hilary got a little car for Landon and it's Malia's favorite toy. Max and Ally love to push her.

This is one of Malia's favorite spots and as bad as it may be, if I need to do something in the kitchen for a minute I will open the fridge for her and it will definitely keep her busy. Here she has found the grapes and is seeing how many she can stuff in her mouth before she spits them out.


Heather said...

Such cute pictures you guys! You are brave souls letting a baby play in the fridge! :) Maybe someday I'll get to be that laid back! :)

Niki said...

Your kids are so dang cute and you always have the funniest things go on... I was just showing my coworker the one of Max climbing the pantry shelves and now here Malia is standing in the fridge...

That is really funny...

christyephillips said...

Your kids are gorgeous! It is so fun to see them and what you've been up to. It looks like you've been busy!

Gilbert Family said...

Emma...thanks for giving me your blog address, it's so fun catching up with old friends. Your blog is great and your family is beautiful. Can't wait to see more posts.