Sunday, March 14, 2010


We, well Malia, has had a couple traumatic experiences lately.

First: She pooped in the bathtub a couple weeks ago. She has never done this before. I was getting jammies out while they were playing in the bath and I heard terrified screaming. I ran into the bathroom to find Ally out of the water with her feet on the sides of the tub and she's saying, "Look Malia it looks like a crab, it's going to get you!" Malia is screaming, scared to death as this piece of poop is coming near her.
She won't take a bath now. She is afraid of every little piece of lint that is in the water, worried it is going to get her. I basically have to bathe her while she is standing as fast as I can. Poor kid.

Second: I tried to potty train her. We went and got cute panties, potty treats, capri-suns, the works. She peed in her pants once and was traumatized. She wouldn't move till I got her cleaned up and then she said, "I have to go potty." She spent the next couple of hours on the toilet because I could not get her off. She was so worried she was going to wet her pants. When I would coax her off she would walk out the bathroom door and say "I have to go potty" and run back to the toilet (she never actually went in the toilet, just sat there). When I finally got her off she just cried that she wanted a diaper back on. She did not want ANYTHING to do with her panties. I gave in. Had I not given in, I think she would still be on the toilet.


Niki said...

Poor little Malia. It is so sad to be that traumatized. She is so darn cute.

Sh'Nell said...

Good luck with that one Emma! Can you send me those pictures you took of all the kiddos while we were there a couple of weeks ago? Ours didn't turn out very well. It was so fun seeing you guys, even if it was only for a couple of hours!

Marci said...

I've read this twice and laughed really hard both times.