Monday, September 7, 2009

Football season

Football season is upon us and we always talk and tease about how men act during this time of life. It is kind of like mating season because hormones are running so high. Anyway, a few thoughts came to me and so I had to write them down. I do so with the HUGE disclaimer that my husband is actually not in the category of sweaty faced, loud yelling, never missing, religiously devoted football watchers. He gets a kick out of listening to the guys in his office talking and saying, "Oh yeah, who's playing?" He usually knows but he likes to see their faces. Here's my take on football!

If men treated marriage like football…

They would talk about how awesome their wives were to everyone during lunch- giving a play by play of the amazing things she did the day before. Over and over again.

They would proudly wear shirts, hats, socks, and underwear sporting their wives names, most of the days of the week.

When other men saw the paraphernalia, they would give that nod like “Yeah, that’s right.” With an occasional, “Hey! You married a Sarah? I married a Sarah too!”

If their wives were upset, they would be in a bad mood for days.

If their wives made a mistake, they would shout, “That’s okay, we’ll get ‘em next time.”

Love-themed food and snacks would appear at regular intervals throughout the week.

When having “talks”, they would give their full attention, without ever letting their mind wander. Being able to repeat back any of the game plan at any time.

They would be on pins and needles till the next time they could take their wife out. Planning out, in detail, how the time would be spent.

If anything bad was said about their wives, they would get all red in the face and explain for the next hour why she was the best, giving all of her stats and winning history.

They would cheer their wives on and support them through thick and thin, literally.


Sh'Nell said...

I LOVE it Emma!!! that is really funny.

Clark Club said...

When these words showed up in the ward newsletter, I wondered if you were the author. Very clever. You really have a gift!

Niki said...

That is great.... how funny...