Well, Kyrk and I actually met before Kyrk left on his mission. He had his mission call and was leaving for Brazil in about two months. We met on a blind date and really hit it off. We dated quite a few times before he left, but he was leaving for two years- I was safe, right?
Well, after his mission we went on a date and I was so impressed with him and how he had changed and grown. I was leaving for BYU in two weeks and I told him I was very serious about another guy. Safe again, right? One of our favorite stories is that after I told him that he said, "Okay, you want to go out again?" What did I say? "Okay!" He moved down to Utah a couple of weeks after I went down. We dated for just under two years before we were married. That is the very condensed version.
He is 32 and I am 31. I think I was the second person he ever went on a date with that was younger than himself.
Who said "I love you" first?
Sounds bad but I actually don't know. I remember when Kyrk sat me down and told me he really liked me, or loved me? I can't remember his exact words, and I remember thinking "Duh!" Nice, huh?
Who kissed who first?
Uh.....no comment. After his mission, he definitely kissed me. Before his mission, let's just say he was a big tease.
I am sure glad that I am the one writing this!
Who proposed?
The question is not who proposed, it is how many times did he propose. :) Formally, twice. Casually, probably over one hundred. I lost count. One of my favorite memories is after I got my answer. We were in my living room doing something, he was walking with his back to me and made the common comment about 'are you going to marry me?' and I said "yes". He spun around so fast with his jaw dropped. He always joked about it but I never did so he knew I was serious. I will forever remember that look on his face.
Who sings better?
Well, up till a year ago I would have said me, but only because Kyrk didn't sing. He would if he had to, but getting his guitar has sure made a difference. Now he sings and plays all the time. Singing together out back while our kids are playing in the yard is a favorite of mine. I actually love to sing and miss it. The itsy bitsy spider and pat-a-cake just don't quite cut it.
Whose temper is worse?
We are actually both pretty even tempered. I get mildly upset about the little things way more often. It takes a lot, but when he gets really mad I think he takes the cake.
Who does the laundry?
Me. I know he knows there's a difference between lights and darks, but I'm not sure he'd know what to do with them. That might be a little harsh, I think he has done a couple loads in our married life. Not that I haven't had my fair share of bleaching clothes or turning them blue.
Who does the dishes?
When Gramsy is here, she does. Kyrk is awesome with helping with the dishes. If I cook, he will clean up. Sometimes now though after a hard day he asks if I want to do the dishes while he takes all the kids. It's a pretty good trade some days!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Right now Kyrk does, but only because that's where Max's little bed is (on the floor) and he wants to sleep by dad when he comes in.
Who pays the bills?
Kyrk. It gives me a headache when he tries to explain how he does everything on the computer. I keep track of my budget area and he does the rest. Okay, so I kinda keep track of my part. Well, he tells me when I go over.
Who is smarter?
Kyrk. Except when it comes to food, decorating, bargain shopping. Do those count?
Who is more stubborn?
Kyrk. Although I am very stubborn when I'm sure I'm right. Which is most of the time. Umm.... maybe I should change my answer.
Who has more friends?
I do. I'm a girl.
Who cooks dinner?
That would be me. If he cooks it is Mac & Cheese or or well, Mac & Cheese. But it is the best Mac & Cheese you've ever tasted. I have a curse and cannot cook anything out of a box. I can't follow directions apparently. One time it took me three separate tries to make Pasta Roni because I kept doing it wrong. Once Hilary was talking to Ally and Ally said, "My dad can make Mac & Cheese, pancakes, and cereal, but everyone can make cereal!" "Can he cook anything else?" "Nope!"
Who mows the lawn?
Uh.. neither of us. We are very spoiled and our HOA does it. We are going to have a rude awakening when we move from here.
Who drives when you are together?
Kyrk. Always. He's a better driver. I am usually singing songs with the kids and throwing food at them, I mean, to them.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
Depends. We hardly ever disagree but we learned this great saying from some friends that we have used a lot. "You could possibly be right." It's perfect because it's not really admiting that they are right, just the possibility that they could be right. It makes us laugh every time we say it and gets us out of our disagreement. You should try it.
Who wears the pants in the family?
I think a lot of times the pants are on the floor. Let me explain! We are not very good at making decisions and I think both of us would love it if the other would just decide sometimes. But we are always together in our descions and our opions and our communication is one of the things that I treasure the most.
I am married to the most amazing man. Kyrk is perfect for me and we love every minute we get to spend together. We always try to be positive with each other and I think that has made our marriage what it is today. I thought I loved him when we got married but it is amazing how after ten years you can love someone so much more then you thought possible. When I see him playing with the kids are probably some of the most tender moments. I am so grateful that I can spend not only my life with him but eternity also. I feel so lucky to have him by my side. I love you Kyrk.